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About me

 Hey, I am Priyanshu Kothari, a student, gamer, streamer and what not. The whole blogging stuff started out as a hobby but later blogs became kind of my passion. As the gaming scene grew in India I was also more into it since then it has been impossible to leave the gaming community as well as the blogging community.


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Cloud Gaming

We all have heard about gaming, pc gaming, console gaming but what is this new tech cloud gaming? Cloud gaming is fairly new to the gaming industry. Cloud gaming is playing games on a PC somewhere in the world (specifically cloud gaming service server) from your PC but the real catch is games run on the PC from the cloud and does not use your system. Similar to video on demand, cloud gaming is gaming on demand. Users can pay a monthly rental for gaming on a server. Companies currently providing this service are Nvidia Geforce Now, Microsoft XCloud, Sony PS Now.